
Figaro learns your tag taxonomy and will make suggestions, improving your catalog’s tag metadata, which in turn improves the relevance of your client’s searches.

Over time, working from your suggestions, Figaro learns how you use tags. Alongside improving consistency, this can also vastly reduce the manual effort of tagging by offering rich suggestions for any new catalog yet to be tagged.


Automatic tagging is an optional, paid integration. To enable this feature, please get in touch with the Cadenzabox team.

Load catalog into Figaro

Once your Figaro integration is set up, Figaro will initially load your entire catalog, and then each hour will check Cadenzabox for any new catalog you may have added, or existing catalog that has been updated.

Review suggested tags

Each track and release in the admin interface has an “Open in Figaro” button.

Open in Figaro

Open in Figaro

Choosing “Open in Figaro” from a track will jump you to that exact track within the Figaro admin interface where you can review (accept or reject) tag suggestions prior to synching the revised tags back into Cadenzabox. Please note that tags are managed separately for mains and their nested versions.

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You can alternatively open the Figaro interface from the releases level for a more zoomed-out overview of Figaro’s auto-generated tag suggestions.

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