What are pre-approved signups?

“Pre-approved signups” is an allowlist of domains that bypasses the pending user step in the user sign-up process.

For example, you may want a user who has a netflix.com email address to be approved immediately. Adding that domain to the pre-approve signup list means that these users won’t have to wait for their account to be approved.

Please note however that they will still need to click the link in the verification email post signup (admins can override this per user if needed from the user admin panel).

Custom access permissions

“Pre-approved signups” may have different default permissions than regular user signups.

Say you have a “license” permission as the default for all users, you could instead choose that users allowlisted by the pre-approved signup list could have “download” access straight away.

For example, you would like to give anyone at Netflix the download option immediately once they’ve verified their email address (by clicking on the verification link emailed to them).

Pre-approve all signups from a domain