In most cases, our bulk ingestion workflow is the fastest way to add tracks to your library.
Sometimes a small number of audio files need to be uploaded, in cases such as...
** Dependent on the number of missing audios, a re-ingestion may be the better option*
Log into the admin
Navigate to Catalog > Tracks (or Releases if you’re creating new tracks and want to view the whole release)
Search for the track you want to upload audio and select the pencil edit icon
If you’re creating a brand new track, fill in the required details of the track (title, parent release etc) and select “Click here to upload audio”
Because a release is a required track field, you must create the release first
If the track is brand new, select ”Click here to upload audio” which will save the track and allow you to upload audio
If the track already exists (or you have selected ‘Click here to upload audio’) and the track had no pre-existing audio, click on the cloud icon to select which audio from your local file system you would like to upload.
The audio will begin to upload and will show you a progress percentage, you will see a updated message in the upload area