New releases(albums) can be added via a csv ingestion, but a release can also be made manually.
Log into the admin
Navigate to Catalog > Releases
Click on the plus (+) icon on the right hand side of the page to create a new release
Fill in the required fields for the album
If you would like to not have the release shown on the front end yet, leave the ‘published’ checkbox unchecked and it will remain hidden from users (to work on in the admin)
The group ‘main catalogue’ is required for all users to see the release (a default group setting), but can be amended if you want to have custom user access to certain releases
Save the release
Once the release is saved and available to view in the ‘releases’ section of the admin, you can add tracks to a release via the track itself
Log into the admin
Navigate to Catalog > Tracks
Search for the track name in question
Click on the pencil edit icon
Under ‘parent release’ add/edit the name of the album you would like to add the track to
Typing ‘radio’ has given the autocomplete results of these two releases which can be selected to have this track attached to
Click save
The track will now appear on the requested album/release.